
Pool Finishing

Pool finishing is the matter that must be paid more attention in building the swimming pool. Finishing stuff that could influence the beauty of swimming pool consist of coping (the edge part of pool) and pool deck, although the interior of the swimming pool itself.

Along with this, the example of finishing that oftenly was used in the pool construction are:

Coping. The natural stone is usually used as the pond edge or coping. There are many choices of natural stone plenty in part of marble, granite, local natural stone paras jogja, and still many others.

Pooldeck. Pooldeck is used to be free place that the owner or the users of the swimming pool to take arest. This area is part of the whole pool area. As the same as coping, pooldeck also usually using the natural stone, but also it make use of the wood. The most important that be paid attention is the ease of it maintenance. It is better that we chose the material thats easy to be cleaned.

Pool Inside. Finishing the inner part of pool must be done careful. Using the material that was recommended by pool contractor. There are several choices in part:
All kinds of the Natural Stone. It is used as finishing the inner part of the swimming pool because of its beauty and colourful. After all this material is available in more pattern or design. The vary natural stone that always be used in finishing of the swimming pool are ceramics and mosaic.
Liner. At this time, material as we call “liner’ could be made to be alternative to the choice in finishing of the swimming pool. Liner is a kind of quite elastic carpet that could be designed and adapted with the pool design as the owner wants. Moreover liner also had the varying colour that was adapted to the buyer's wish.

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